Eastern Thailand: Travel Guide

Eastern Thailand: Travel Guide

eastern thailand

The eastern part of Thailand, in reality, is not situated in the true East, as it largely faces the southern and western directions. It is simply referred to as “eastern” due to the fact that it lies east of Bangkok, which is regarded as the center of the country.

When traveling in the eastern part of Thailand it is easy to see that it offers plenty of vacation possibilities and locations, similar to the rest of the country. Most of Eastern Thailand is located on the coast. The whole area has undergone so much development in recent decades, it is absolutely unrecognizable from the former stretch of fishing villages that used to populate these shores of the Gulf of Thailand. The transformation has introduced the biggest seaport in Thailand, a brand new industrialized a, ea and a world-class beach resort.

Pattaya City

Eastern Thailand saw some major changes during the times of the Vietnam War. One of the major developments took place in the coastal city of Pattaya which has grown to be one of the major resort destinations and is commonly hailed as Thailand’s ‘Jewel of the East’.

Pattaya is located in the northern point of the Gulf of Thailand. It gained its notoriety from the numerous go-go bars and other shady entertainment venues. Although they have given Pattaya a somewhat questionable image, there are still plenty of old and charming places around that will suit any traveler. The local authorities invested considerable efforts into bringing Pattaya to the quality levels of other Thailand’s resorts. Even though the old cluster of the place remains to be lacking, Pattaya still attracts millions of visitors each year, and is second only to Bangkok.

There are numerous tourist activities available in Pattaya. It offers essentially everything from fine dining to electrifying nightlife so getting bored here is out of the question. It is truly the city that never sleeps which makes it pretty much unlike any other beach resort in the Southeast Asia. There are many places and attractions that are unique in their own way. Unlike some other places in Thailand that can only boost their natural charm, Pattaya tops them all with an array of recreational activities available. The sky is truly the limit here.


If spending a lot of time in Pattaya proves to be too much for you, a perfect solution to getting some peace and quiet would be venturing further down the coast to Rayong. Rayong is about 140 miles east of Bangkok and it is famous for its picturesque coastline and magnificent waterfalls. It is also well known for being one of the country’s top suppliers of seafood products.

There are also many attractions that can be explored in the city, which include a number of Buddhist temples and shrines that were constructed many centuries ago. The beaches just outside of Rayong are perfect places for those who would like to temporarily escape from the way too energetic life of Eastern Thailand.


The province of Trat is located in the very east of Thailand and is mostly known for its trading and mining industries. But do not let this fact misguide you – Trat also features more than 50 islands of various sizes that showcase untouched coral reefs and beautiful sandy beaches. Just like the rest of the islands in Thailand, Trat offers a spectacular scenic coastline which makes it a great destination for the nature enthusiasts.

Due to its mining background and unique location, Trat offers a lot of shopping possibilities. It features probably the highest number of markets located in the same small area. Aside from that, some other places of interest in Trat are historic royal temples, museums and nature parks.

Elvina Mirsaitova
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